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Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity 

Epsilon Iota Chapter 


The Epsilon Iota Chapter Bylaws shall contain governing policies specific to Ohio University and shall be adhered to in conjunction with other required policies, as stated by the National Constitution. 




The name of this organization shall be the Epsilon Iota Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity (hereafter referred to as “Epsilon Iota Chapter” or “the Chapter”). 


ARTICLE II: National Affiliation 


The Epsilon Iota Chapter is a chartered member of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity. 




In carrying out the purpose of Phi Sigma Pi, Epsilon Iota Chapter shall strive to personify and encourage three ideals: 


  1. The acquisition and dissemination of knowledge through scholarship, 

  2. The application of professional skills and the fostering of leadership qualities by promoting and advancing the welfare of humanity, and 

  3. The fostering of non-discriminatory, fraternal fellowship within Phi Sigma Pi’s ranks. 


Epsilon Iota Chapter shall constantly endeavor to make these ideals dynamic in the lives of its brothers. 


ARTICLE IV: Membership 


Section 1: Persons of Good Academic Standing who have paid their Student Activity Fee and who possess excellent character shall be eligible for membership in the Epsilon Iota Chapter. (See National Constitution Article IV, Membership; Section 2). 


Section 2: Membership in the Epsilon Iota Chapter will be open to undergraduate students of Ohio University who have completed a minimum of one semester of college work at Ohio University and have achieved at least a 3.00 cumulative grade point average (on a 4.00 scale, where A = 4.00) with at least three semesters remaining at Ohio University after the semester of induction. All new Active Members of the Epsilon Iota Chapter must meet the initiation requirements of the Epsilon Iota Chapter.   


Section 3: Students who transfer to Ohio University with a 3.00 cumulative grade point average (on a 4.00 scale, where A = 4.00) may be accepted for membership at the Epsilon Iota Chapter’s discretion. 


Section 4: Membership into Phi Sigma Pi through the Epsilon Iota Chapter is open to the qualified University community. The Epsilon Iota Chapter shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, political affiliation, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, veteran or disabled status in admission to, access to, treatment of, or employment in its programs and activities.   


Section 5: To remain an Active Member in good standing, the member shall:

  1. Pay national dues and fees and chapter dues. Failure to pay dues and fees by the end of the semester will result in automatic resignation from the chapter.

  2. Attend all regularly scheduled chapter meetings per semester. Three (3) excused absences are permitted; however, notification for excused absences must be given to the recording secretary, in writing, within six (6) hours of the missed meeting. Valid excuses include: work, class conflicts, illness, wedding, funeral, a prior engagement that cannot be rescheduled such as an induction ceremony for another student organization or an emergency. Failure to adhere to proper excuses will result in probationary action.

  3. Serve on at least one (1) permanent committee per semester and attend regularly scheduled committee meetings per semester. Three (3) excused absences are permitted; however, notification for excused absences must be given to the chairperson, in writing, within six (6) hours of the missed meeting. 

  4. Attend at least one (1) chapter scholarship event, one (1) chapter leadership event, one (1) chapter fellowship event, and two (2) additional events of the Brother’s choosing during each semester. In addition to the five (5) events previously mentioned, an active brother who's part of a committee must, at the position holder’s discretion, participate on the committee to the full extent.

  5. Fundraise thirty-five dollars ($35) per semester through various fundraising events, external fundraisers, and/or sponsorship from a business or pay the full amount/remainder through the buyout option, which will serve to fulfill an active member’s fundraising attendance requirement. Buyouts must be paid through cash or a check - no online payments are allowed (i.e., no payments through Venmo). Seniors are exempt from meeting this requirement during their last semester.

  6. Attend one (1) info session, two (2) rush events plus the rush week interviews. Attend the Pinning Ceremony, and the Ritual Ceremony during each semester. Attend Fall Retreat each year IF they have completed all event requirements from the previous semester. Attending all formal events may be counted as an extra event requirement. Attending a homecoming event may be counted as an extra event. Attending any initiate event may count for credit for that specific leg of the tripod; however, this will only apply once per semester. Any additional initiate event after the first may be counted as an extra event.

  7. Adhere to the rules and regulations outlined in the Epsilon Iota Risk Management Policy and Phi Sigma Pi’s National Event Risk Management Policy. 

  8. Commit to events he/she signs up for, assuming that the committee chair has confirmed that it is a commitment-requiring event. Failure to contact the committee chair about not attending an event that the brother has signed up for within 24 hours will result in probationary action if it occurs on two occasions.  

  9. If a member fails to meet any of the requirements outlined in Section 5, the member will be placed on probation, and be required to pay a ten dollar ($10) fine plus five dollars ($5) per offense. (See National Constitution Article XI, Disciplinary Actions of the Chapter; Section 2).  

  10. All Active Members have the opportunity to become a Big to an initiate. All designated Bigs must attend the first initiate meeting, one (1) initiate event with their Little, and one (1) weekly interaction with their Little, as well as proof of the weekly interaction to the Prospective Brother Committee. Any Big unable to fulfill all of these requirements will be prevented from becoming a Big to future initiates.  

  11. All active and partially-inactive members have the opportunity to become a Step-Big to an initiate. All designated Step-Bigs must attend one (1) initiate meeting, plan and attend at least one (1) cross-family gathering, and one (1) bi-weekly interaction with their Step-Little, as well as proof of the bi-weekly interaction to the Prospective Brother Committee. Any Step-Big unable to fulfill all of these requirements will be prevented from becoming a Step-Big to future initiates. 


Section 6: All Active Members must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least a 3.00. Failure to do so for two consecutive semesters is grounds for expulsion by a formal vote of the Active Members of the chapter. Grade reports will be collected by no later than week 6 of fall and spring semester. Failure to send in grade reports by the time they're requested will result in Academic Probation. (See National Constitution Article XI, Disciplinary Actions of the Chapter; Section 2). 


Section 7: A member may request local inactivity for the semester. The member must enter the request in writing by the third regularly scheduled chapter meeting for such reasons including, but not limited to: excessive academic schedule, collegiate sports, family emergency or employment. The granting of local inactivity by the majority vote of the executive board shall waive the member’s requirements as outlined in Article IV, Section 5. (The member still must pay national dues). If locally inactive, the member also relinquishes the right to vote on all chapter issues. Two (2) consecutive semesters of local inactivity may be grounds for expulsion by a formal vote of the Active Members of the chapter.   


Section 8: A member may request national inactivity for the semester. The member must enter the request in writing by the third regularly scheduled chapter meeting for such reasons including, but not limited to: an accredited or academically recognized co-op, internship, or study abroad program. The granting of national inactivity by the majority vote of the executive board shall waive the member’s requirements as outlined in Article IV, Section 5. The member is not obligated to pay local and national dues). If nationally inactive, the member also relinquishes the right to vote on all chapter issues. Two (2) consecutive semesters of national inactivity may be grounds for expulsion by a formal vote of the Active Members of the chapter. 


Section 9: A member may request emergency inactivity for the semester. The member must enter the request in writing as soon as any unforeseen situations that necessitate the member’s absence arise. Emergency inactivity can be requested for such reasons including, but not limited to: personal illness, family emergency, or unexpected academic or family obligations. The granting of emergency inactivity by the majority vote of the executive board shall waive the member’s attendance requirements as outlined in Article IV, Section 5. (The member is obligated to pay local and national dues). If granted emergency inactive, the member also relinquishes the right to vote on all chapter issues. Two (2) consecutive semesters of emergency inactivity may be grounds for expulsion by a formal vote of the Active Members of the chapter. 


Section 10: A member may request partial inactivity for the semester. Partial inactivity shall be a “last resort” for members of Phi Sigma Pi Epsilon Iota. It is a way to ensure that members who cannot be a fully active member are still active in the fraternity. Partial inactivity entails:​

  1. Full dues.

  2. Full fundraising requirements.

  3. Attending one (1) leadership, fellowship, and scholarship event. Attending seven (7) of the fifteen (15) regularly scheduled chapters, including the chapter where potential new members are voted into initiates.

  4. Attending one (1) day of rush.

  5. Attending either first or second interviews for the new members of Phi Sigma Pi Epsilon Iota.

  6. Attending either pinning ceremony or ritual ceremony.

  7. Attending one-half (1/2) of all committee meetings.

  8. Attending either executive board or executive council elections.


Partial inactivity will need verification of “busy schedules” (determined at the discretion of executive board), notes from club presidents, notes from work, or any other entity keeping brothers from fulfilling their full duties. Family excuses will not need verification. Partial inactivity can be revoked if abuse in the system is found. If partial inactivity is revoked, the brother in question will be notified via email, and will immediately be expected to be a fully participating brother. Partial inactivity requests are due the third chapter of the semester. Members of executive board and executive council are not able to become partially inactive. Members who utilize partial inactivity cannot utilize it in consecutive session with local or national inactivity. Partially inactive brothers are not eligible to become Bigs for the new initiate class. The partially inactive brother will discuss on a weekly basis with the Recording Secretary the fulfillment of duties.


Section 11: All active senior members in their last semester may request Senior Status for the semester. The member must enter the request in writing by the third regularly scheduled executive board meeting. In order to obtain Senior Status, the member must have completed all of their event requirements from the previous semester. The granting of Senior Status by majority vote of the executive board shall waive the following requirements:

  1. One (1) 4th event credit.

  2. One (1) 5th event credit.

  3. One (1) philanthropy credit.

  4. One (1) night of recruitment.

  5. Full fundraising dues.


Failure to complete any events not waived under Section 11 will result in the member forfeiting their Senior Send-off meal.


Section 12: A member in good standing has the option of early alumni status. Once a brother is alumni, they are no longer eligible to be an active brother as an undergraduate. Reasons to be granted early alumni status include but are not limited to, a plan to be nationally inactive the final semester, a life event and/or plans to graduate after the summer semester. To be eligible for early alumni, brothers must meet four (4) requirements:

  1. The brother should have at least three (3) semesters of being an active brother with no more than one (1) semester of inactivity.

  2. The brother must not have taken a little in the previous semester. If the brother has taken a little, they must wait until the little has completed their first semester as an active brother.

  3. The brother must be in good standing. If a brother has probation, they must pay probationary dues before requesting early alumni status.

  4. The brother must attend the brother to alumni ceremony.


A brother requesting early alumni status may not have more than two (2) semesters remaining on campus. To request early alumni status, the brother requesting early alumni must attend E-board by the 4th week or notify a member of E-board before the 4th week. Two-thirds (2/3) of a vote from E-board is required to bring the topic to chapter. A simple majority vote from chapter is needed to be granted early alumni status. Although the chapter may, E-board may not vote by consent.


Emergency Clause: In the case of an emergency, the brother requesting early alumni must notify a member of E-board. The bother must explain why they need early alumni rather than emergency inactivity. Under special circumstances, the brother may elect to only be granted two-thirds (2/3) vote from Executive Board to be granted selective early alumni status.


ARTICLE V: Chapter Advisers 


Section 1: The chapter faculty adviser(s) of the Epsilon Iota Chapter shall be elected by a majority vote of the members of the Epsilon Iota Chapter following a nomination by a chapter member. To advise and counsel the chapter and the members, the faculty adviser must be an administrator, faculty or staff member of Ohio University. The chapter faculty adviser(s) shall serve the best interests of Phi Sigma Pi, the Epsilon Iota Chapter, and its members and reasonably attempt to ensure that all business conducted by the Epsilon Iota Chapter meets Ohio University policies.  


Section 2: The chapter alumni adviser(s) of the Epsilon Iota Chapter shall be elected by a majority vote of the members of the Epsilon Iota Chapter following a nomination by a chapter member. To advise and counsel the chapter and the members, the alumni adviser(s) must be alumni in good standing of Phi Sigma Pi.  The alumni adviser shall have no vote at chapter meetings and shall serve in the best interests of Phi Sigma Pi, the Epsilon Iota Chapter, and its members.  Verbal participation of the alumni adviser during chapter meetings is left to the discretion of the chapter.   


ARTICLE VI: Officers 


Section 1: The officers of the Epsilon Iota Chapter are the president, vice president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, vice president of finance, recruitment adviser, initiate adviser, two historians, parliamentarian, and risk management adviser. These members comprise the Executive Board. Additional officers may be elected at the discretion of the chapter by properly amending the Chapter Bylaws. 


Section 2: All officers shall possess at least the minimum requirements of an Active Member and have at least a 3.00 cumulative grade point average.  Candidates for President must have at least two (2) full semesters of Active Membership (not including the semester of induction) and have served on the Executive Board for at least one (1) semester or E-Council for an entire year. All officers will be currently enrolled students who have paid their Student Activity Fee and are in Good Academic Standing as determined by Ohio University. Chapter Officers are required to attend all E-Board and/or E-Council meetings, if unable to attend, excuses must be submitted to the chairperson of said meeting 24 hours in advance; failure to do so may result in probation.  


Section 3: Election of Officers: 


  1. A plurality of the Active Members present at a regular meeting shall be required to elect the officers. 

  2. Election of officers shall be held at a regularly scheduled meeting with nominations having been taken from the floor at the previous chapter meeting. If any office fails to garner a nomination of an Active Member, then nominations for that office may be taken at the regularly scheduled meeting in which elections are being held. During elections each member nominated for an office may choose to run for any successive office (“tier down”).  

  3. Officers shall be elected no later than the fourth to the last meeting before the end of the spring semester. 

  4. The term of office shall be one year, from the end of the spring (semester) to the end of the following spring semester. 


Section 4: Officers elected to executive board have until the second week of the academic year to drop their position. Failure to drop a position by the above deadlines will result in probationary actions the following semester. If a vacancy occurs in any executive board position, the position will be filled as soon as possible by nominations from the floor followed by an election at the next regularly scheduled business meeting.  


Section 5: The duties of each officer are as follows: 


The President shall: 

  1. Preside at all meetings of the Chapter; 

  2. Have removal power of all non-elected positions in the Chapter subject to approval of the Executive Board; 

  3. Be recognized as the official representative of the Chapter; 

  4. Serve as the chairperson of the Executive Board 

  5. Be responsible for advising the Secretaries on all correspondence, in accordance with the Chapter; 

  6. Call special meetings of the Chapter; 

  7. Prepare the agenda in consultation with the Executive Board; 

  8. Be responsible for informing the Chapter about the national activities of Phi Sigma Pi; 

  9. Be a voting member of the Executive Board;

  10. Ensure all officers complete the officer transition program. 

  11. Ensure that grade reports are collected


The Vice President shall: 

  1. Be responsible for all duties of the President in the President’s absence; 

  2. Act as coordinator and serve as an Ex-Officio Member of the Chapter’s Standing Committees, excluding the Executive Board and Initiation Committee. 

  3. Accept all official responsibilities and obligations deemed necessary by the President; 

  4. Give and receive chair agreement contracts; 

  5. Solicit reports from all chapter officers and committees/committee heads; 

  6. Be a voting member of the Executive Board. 


​The Recording Secretary shall: 

  1. Keep a record of all proceedings of the Chapter and Executive Board meetings of the Chapter and enter such minutes in a permanent record; 

  2. Be responsible for the distribution of the minutes to the Executive Board before the next regularly scheduled meeting and have the minutes available for review by the Membership of the Chapter; 

  3. Be responsible for the attendance records of the Chapter; 

  4. Maintain for the Chapter the approved fraternity Roll Book requiring the signatures of all Members at the time of the Member’s Induction. All members shall be numbered sequentially in the Chapter Roll; 

  5. Preside over the meetings of the chapter in the absence of the president and vice president; 

  6. Be a voting member of the Executive Board.


The Corresponding Secretary shall:

  1. Be responsible for all correspondence pertaining to the Chapter and correspondence distribution to those designated; 

  2. Preserve, supply and submit all National and Chapter Forms, the National Constitution, Chapter Bylaws, The Ritual, other documents, records, and supplies; 

  3. Be responsible for compiling and submitting all required Membership lists and other required affiliation documentation to the appropriate divisions of Ohio University to ensure continued affiliation; 

  4. Be a voting Member of the Executive Board. 


The Vice President of Finance shall: 

  1. Report at the Chapter meetings the financial status of the Chapter Accounts, including, but not limited to, delinquent Dues; 

  2. Remit appropriate moneys to the National Office by the specified due date; 

  3. Propose, in conjunction with the Finance Committee (Fundraising Committee), the budget for the next fiscal year; 

  4. Receive and record all moneys of the Chapter and provide for the money’s security; 

  5. Adhere to the budget approved by the Executive Board and the Membership of the Chapter; 

  6. Pay all debts and expenses; 

  7. Maintain a record of receipts and expenditures, balance the accounts, and relinquish possession of the records to the newly-elected VP of Finance before the last regular meeting of the previous term of office; 

  8. Serve as Ex-Officio Member of the Finance Committee (Fundraising Committee) and all other general Chapter purpose monetary generating committees; 

  9. Provide explanations to questions posed by the Financial Review Board (Group conducting the Chapter’s Annual Financial Review) for the completion of the Financial Review Board’s report; 

  10. Be a voting Member of the Executive Board. 


The Recruitment Adviser shall: 

  1. Be responsible for reviewing and updating the Recruitment Program of the Chapter with the assistance of the Recruitment Committee; 

  2. Be responsible for maintaining and upholding the integrity of the Recruitment Program of the Chapter in relation to the National Constitution, the rules of Ohio University, and any rules established by the Chapter with the assistance of the Recruitment Committee; 

  3. Be responsible for, with the assistance of the Recruitment Committee, the planning and implementation of the Recruitment Program as approved by the Members of the Chapter; 

  4. Report recruitment activities and send a complete and detailed description of the Recruitment Program to the National Headquarters by the specified due dates; 

  5. Establish and maintain a strong Big Brother program by working with the Initiate Adviser to pair an Active Member in good standing with an initiate, and then be responsible for, with the assistance of the Recruitment Committee, the strengthening and ongoing health of the Big Brother program throughout the Initiation process. 

  6. Serve as the chairperson of the Recruitment Committee; 

  7. Be a voting member of the Executive Board. 


The Initiate Adviser shall: 

  1. Be responsible for reviewing and updating the Initiation Program of the Chapter with the assistance of the Initiation Committee; 

  2. Be responsible for maintaining and upholding the integrity of the Initiation Program of the Chapter in relation to the National Constitution, the rules of Ohio University, and any rules established by the Chapter with the assistance of the Initiation Committee; 

  3. Be responsible for, with the assistance of the Initiation Committee, the planning and implementation of the Initiation Program as approved by the Members of the Chapter prior to the first meet night held by the Chapter; 

  4. Report Initiation activities and send a complete and detailed description of the Initiation Program to the National Headquarters by the specified due dates; 

  5. Serve as the chairperson of the Initiation Committee; 

  6. Be a voting member of the Executive Board; 

  7. Ensure the Chapter follows The Ritual ceremonies in a serious and professional manner.


The Historians shall: 

  1. Keep, collect, and preserve an accurate history of the Chapter; 

  2. Be responsible for placing news items concerning the Chapter in local and collegiate publications; 

  3. Provide the National Office with historical items of the Chapter at the close of the academic year at the Chapter’s discretion; 

  4. Be a voting Member of the Executive Board. â€‹ 


The Parliamentarian shall: 

  1. Maintain order at all official chapter meetings and events; 

  2. Be responsible for maintaining and upholding Robert’s Rules of Order; 

  3. Collect and organize all motions passed in Executive Board and Chapter meetings; 

  4. Maintain and update the chapter by-laws; 

  5. Be a voting member of the Executive Board; 

  6. Be responsible for all Probation matters; 

  7. Appoint a “Brother at Large.” â€‹ 


The Risk Management Officer shall:

  1. The Risk Management Adviser shall update and implement the risk management program, as approved by the Chapter, in compliance with all regulations set forth by Ohio University, the National Constitution, and federal, state, and local laws;

  2. The Risk Management Adviser shall assistant the standing committees in developing a risk management plan for all Chapter events and provide a minimum of two programs per academic year to further educate members and initiates on its risk management policy;

  3. The risk management chair shall make sure that all events are accessible for people with disabilities;

  4. The risk management chair shall serve on the Executive board and executive counsel.


The Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion shall: 

  1. Be an officer on the executive board and a chairperson on the executive council; 

  2. Help event planning chairs and be an ex-officio member of all event planning committees to help add diversity and culture to pre-existing events and work with the calendars of different organizations on campus to promote their events to the brothers; 

  3. Plan events that focus on the education and discussion of current events and topics relating to diversity of all kinds; 

  4. Work under the recruitment adviser and be an ex-officio member of the recruitment committee to reach out to organizations on campus and make an effort to make sure all different groups of peoples on campus feel welcome to participate in our rush process; 

  5. Work with the public relations committee to execute a PR plan that will help our organization promote ourselves to a wider and more diverse audience without targeting certain groups; 

  6. Shall not favor certain types of peoples over others or create any sort of numerical diversity recruitment goal or quota; 

  7. Be an open-minded and constantly molding position with responsibilities and duties to be under a period of trial and testing for as long as the brothers see fit.


The Brother-at-large shall:  

  1. Serve as a brother to chapter liaison, acting as a voice to absent brothers/ quiet brothers/give announcements for absent chairs; â€‹

  2. Serve as a non-voting member of the executive board; 

  3. Be more than comfortable with Robert’s Rules of Order;

  4. Have outlined rules for the brothers regarding contact; 

  5. Must sit in the front row of chapter.


ARTICLE VII: Committees 


Section 1: Election of Committee Chairs:


  1. A simple majority of the Active Members present at a regular meeting shall be required to elect the Chairs. 

  2. Election of chairs shall be held at a regularly scheduled meeting with nominations having been taken from the floor at the previous chapter meeting.  If any chair fails to garner a nomination of an Active Member, then nominations for that chair may be taken at the regularly scheduled meeting in which elections are being held.  During elections each member nominated for a position may choose to run for any successive chair (“tier down”).  

  3. Chairs shall be elected no later than the fifth to the last meeting before the end of the spring semester. 

  4. The term of chair shall be one year, from the end of the spring semester to the end of the following spring semester. 


Section 2: Officers elected to executive council have until the third week of the academic year to drop their position. Failure to drop a position by the above deadline will result in probationary actions the following semester. If a vacancy occurs in any Executive Council position, the position will be filled as soon as possible by nominations from the floor followed by an election at the next regularly scheduled business meeting. 


Section 3: The chairperson(s) of each committee will serve as a non-voting member on the Executive Council, which will help to advise the Executive Board on each Committee’s activities. 


Section 4: Standing Committees:


  1. The Finance Committee shall plan all revenue making projects for the Chapter while also working under the vice president of finance to create fundraising goals and manage dues. 

  2. The Leadership Committee shall plan projects for the chapter members to become involved with service to the university and surrounding communities. 

  3. The Fellowship Committee shall plan social, recreational, and intramural events to facilitate bonding among Brothers.  

  4. The Social Chair shall sit on the Fellowship Committee. The duties of the Social Chair shall be to organize formal Chapter social events, act as a liaison to other student organization, and plan social events to integrate the Initiates into the Chapter. 

  5. The Scholarship Committee shall create Chapter Awards for deserving Members, plan educational and cultural events for the Chapter, provide speakers for the Chapter on topics concerning students and maintain a program to ensure each member is upholding the high academic standards of Phi Sigma Pi. 

  6. The Alumni Committee shall create an alumni newsletter, maintain a database with up-to-date addresses of the Chapter’s Alumni and plan alumni functions which allow the alumni to interact with Chapter Members. 

  7. The Recruitment Committee shall plan and implement the recruitment of new members through the recruitment program as approved by the Chapter and ensure that all recruitment activities are in accordance with the National Constitution. 

  8. The Initiation Committee shall plan and implement the initiation program as approved by the Chapter, promote and instill in the initiates the ideals of Phi Sigma Pi, and ensure that all initiation activities are in accordance with the National Constitution. 

  9. The Inter-Chapter Relations Committee shall be chaired by the Regional Delegate who is elected by the Chapter’s Active Members during officer elections.  The Inter-Chapter Relations Committee shall maintain relations with other chapters of Phi Sigma Pi, plan and execute inter-chapter events on Ohio University’s campus, and facilitate chapter visits when Epsilon Iota Brothers travel for events.  The Inter-Chapter Relations Committee will organize Epsilon Iota Chapter’s attendance to Grand Chapter/National Conference.  

  10. The Public Relations committee will be in charge of the following: the Phi Sigma Pi website, social media, handle all merchandise requests for the Chapter, improving and maintaining a good relationship with the Ohio University community and promoting the organization as a whole.  

  11. The Philanthropy Committee shall be responsible for organizing and planning a campus-wide event once a year. The committee shall be chaired by two Special Events co-chairs who are elected by the Chapter’s Active Members during officer elections.  

  12. The Risk Management committee shall be responsible for helping brothers to uphold the chapter’s risk management policy and the national risk management policy while assisting the Risk Management chair in planning events and sending out waivers. 

  13. The Diversity and Inclusion Committee shall be responsible for helping to create an open and welcoming environment that's diverse and inclusive for all members of the chapter. The committee shall help the chair create presentations that open up dialogue and make the chapter more knowledgeable about relating topics. 

  14. The Parliamentarian Committee shall be responsible for enforcing and teaching Robert's Rules of Order and policing all probation matters. 


Section 5: The Vice President shall have the authority to form special committees with the approval of the Executive Board when the need arises. 


Section 6: Committee Chairs (or committee members delegated to oversee events) shall use the standard sign-in sheet, distributed by the Vice President, for all events. At the completion of each event, the Chair or delegated committee member shall sign their name on the sheet and give it to the Recording Secretary at the next Chapter meeting. Once completed and turned into the Recording Secretary, the sign-in sheet becomes final. No exceptions. Committee members must, at the position holder’s discretion, participate on the committee to the full extent.


ARTICLE VIII: Non-Elected Positions 


Section 1: The Parliamentarian shall have the authority to nominate an Active Member to the non-elected position subject to a confirmation vote of the Executive Board. The President retains the power to remove any Active Member from the non-elected position subject to an approval vote of the Executive Board. 


Section 2: The term of the non-elected position shall be one year, from the end of spring semester to the end of the following spring semester. If a vacancy occurs, the position will be filled as soon as possible through the normal appointment process. 


Section 3: All Active Members shall be eligible to apply for the non-elected position. Applications for the position should be submitted to the Parliamentarian by the end of officer nominations each spring. 


ARTICLE IX: Meetings and Voting Procedures 


Section 1: The Chapter shall regularly meet once (1) a week at a time and place to be determined by the Chapter. The date of the first scheduled meeting of the following semester shall be called by the President at the last meeting of the present semester. 


Section 2: The following rules shall be followed for conducting regular meetings: the National Constitution, the Epsilon Iota Chapter Bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order. Quorum is defined as a majority of the Active Chapter Membership. 


Section 3: The Epsilon Iota Chapter’s voting procedures shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order. 


Section 4: The Chapter shall vote on those who rush and wish to join the Epsilon Iota Chapter’s initiation program.  Active members must attend at least 50% of the scheduled rush events in order to participate in both debate and voting for prospective initiates. Confirmation into the initiation program requires a majority vote of Active Members present who have met the specified attendance requirement. Voting will be done at the Chapter meeting prior to the scheduled pinning ceremony where there is quorum.  


Section 5: The Chapter shall vote on those initiates who complete the National and Chapter requirements of the initiation program. Voting will be done at a Chapter meeting at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled Initiation ceremony. Confirmation into the chapter membership requires a three-fourths (3/4) affirmative vote of the Active Membership. Those initiates who do not meet both the National and Chapter requirements of the initiation program shall not be considered for membership.   


Section 6: Removing an initiate from the initiation program requires a majority vote of the Chapter membership at a Chapter meeting where quorum is present.   


ARTICLE X: Finances 


Section 1: The Epsilon Iota Chapter shall levy additional Chapter Semester Dues, in accordance with Chapter needs. Each member shall pay Chapter Dues ($110), as determined by the Epsilon Iota Chapter at the fourth scheduled meeting of the semester, to the Vice President of Finance. If a Member does not pay the Chapter Dues by this deadline or has not made arrangements with the Chapter Vice President of Finance, the Member shall be subject to a five ($5) dollar fine for the first day of delinquency, and a one ($1) dollar fine for each additional day of delinquency until Chapter Dues are paid in full or until special arrangements have been made with the Chapter Vice President of Finance. The Chapter may also take further disciplinary action in accordance with Article XI. 


Section 2: A minimum balance of two hundred dollars ($200.00), or an amount required by the financial institution at which the Epsilon Iota Chapter’s accounts are held, shall be established for the treasury. This is to ensure that a viable fund shall be on hand at all times to provide for any emergency allocations, which may occur. 


Section 3: To ensure financial security, the signature of both the faculty adviser and vice president of finance are required on any fraternity financial disbursements. 


Section 4: The Epsilon Iota Chapter’s fiscal year begins July 1 and ends the following June 30. The financial policies of the Epsilon Iota Chapter shall be governed by a budget adopted at the beginning of each fiscal year. 


Section 5: Finances paid specifically to the Epsilon Iota Chapter during the initiation process are property of the chapter and are non-refundable regardless of promotion to active membership. Upon acceptance into Phi Sigma Pi, an Initiate shall pay a ten dollar ($10) deposit for his or her Shield Pin. If and when the pin is returned in good condition, the Initiate will be refunded his or her full deposit. All finances paid to the Phi Sigma Pi National Office during the initiation process will be refunded in their entirety if an initiate is not promoted to active membership. 


Section 6: The Epsilon Iota Chapter will not fund alcohol-related events. 


Section 7: Every semester, the Chapter will select a Brother of the Semester. Nominations are to be made during Week 12 of the semester for Brothers who are not currently on Probation. The Brother who is selected for Brother of the Semester will be excused from paying dues for the semester following the semester in which they are selected. Every year the chapter will select a brother of the year. This brother will be excused from paying dues for the next semester. 


ARTICLE XI: Disciplinary Actions of the Chapter 


Section 1: The Epsilon Iota Chapter shall abide by all federal, state, county and municipal laws and shall adhere to all Ohio University policies regarding student organizations. 


Section 2: Probation Policy:


A. An Active Member may be placed on probation for any violations under Article IV; Section 5 and/or Article IV; Section 6 of the Epsilon Iota Chapter Bylaws. Brothers have until the fourth week of the following semester to make up event credits that were not achieved from the previous semester. If missing event credit is not completed by the fourth week of the following semester, the brother will be placed on probation and required to pay the corresponding fee. 


B. Probation is defined as a time of trial and testing. Probation is a period in which any deficit or violation is to be corrected to avoid more severe action. The length of the probation will be one (1) semester and will take place during the member’s next active semester. The member must prove that the situation calling for the probation has been corrected to the satisfaction of the Chapter by meeting all chapter requirements during the probationary semester. If all requirements are met during the probationary semester, the member shall be taken off probation. Epsilon Iota’s probation procedure is as follows: 


First Offense – The Brother shall pay a fine due two (2) weeks after the brother is placed on probation. The first violation will cost $10 and each additional violation will cost an additional $5. If the Brother fails to meet the GPA requirement for the semester, resulting in Academic Probation, they cannot attend Fall Retreat unless the ten dollar ($10) fine is paid. 


Second Offense – The Brother shall pay the fine, lose his/her right to vote, and lose all privileges, including but not limited to, running for elected office, appointment to a non-elected position, and taking an Initiate as a little. 


Third Offense – The Brother shall be expelled by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Active Members of the Epsilon Iota Chapter. If the Brother is not expelled by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members, he/she shall pay the fine, lose his/her right to vote, and lose all privileges, including but not limited to, running for elected office, appointment to a non-elected position, and taking an Initiate as a little. 


All Additional Offenses – The Brother shall be subject to the same disciplinary procedure as outlined for the third offense. 


Section 3: An Active or Inactive Member may be disciplined for non-payment of dues and/or fees, or for conduct unbecoming a Member of Phi Sigma Pi by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Active Members of the Epsilon Iota Chapter. Discipline includes but is not limited to censure, suspension and/or expulsion. If necessary, see Article XI, Section 6 regarding expulsion. 


Section 4: Chapter officers may be removed from office by impeachment for failure to satisfactorily perform the duties of their respective offices.  


Section 5: Members who are in direct violation of the Epsilon Iota Chapter Risk Management Policy will be brought up on charges of conduct unbecoming a member. 


Section 6: Members who have missed event requirements from Spring Semester are no longer eligible to attend Fall Retreat that year. 


Section 7: The Chapter may vote to expel an Active or Inactive Member for violation of Article IV; Section 5 and/or Article IV; Section 6 of the Epsilon Iota Chapter Bylaws, which will require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the chapter membership. Expulsion will be completed upon confirmation that notification of the expulsion vote, sent via return receipt mail and/or electronic mail, has been received by the Brother in question.    


Section 8: Discipline Hearing Procedures (Trial Board):


  1. All accusations of conduct unbecoming a member of Phi Sigma Pi and all impeachment proceedings will require the convening of a trial board that shall determine the validity and severity of the accused’s actions. 

  2. A motion calling for impeachment, suspension or expulsion shall be accepted from an Active Member. This motion must be accepted by a two-thirds (2/3) Vote of the Active Members present with quorum before any action can be taken. 

  3. The Executive Board shall notify the accused Member and the official Chapter Adviser (if available) if there is to be a hearing to impeach, suspend or expel a Member of Phi Sigma Pi. The notice shall be sent by certified and return receipt mail. The notice shall advise the accused Member of the time and place that the trial board will hear the case. 

  4. The trial board shall consist of four (4) Active Members and one (1) officer all of whom shall be chosen at random (not including the accused or the accuser).  For further information regarding trial boards, see Robert’s Rules of Order. 

  5. The trial board shall meet within two (2) weeks of convening. The trial board shall investigate the charges and make a recommendation to the Chapter within two (2) regular meetings. In order for the trial board to reach an objective decision, both the accused and the accuser shall be granted equal time to present positions in relation to the case. 

  6. After the trial board makes its recommendation, it shall take a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Active Membership to impeach, suspend or expel the accused. If the accused is impeached, immediate resignation from the office shall be required. 


ARTICLE XII: Amendments 


These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special chapter meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Active Members, provided the amendment was submitted in writing to the entire Chapter at the previous regular meeting. All amendments that have been passed by the chapter are to be presented to the University Student Organizations Office for final approval prior to implementation. 


ARTICLE XIII: Ratification 


These bylaws shall become effective upon approval by the membership of the Epsilon Iota Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity.

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