Epsilon Iota Chapter at Ohio University
ARTICLE IV: Membership
Section 1: Persons of Good Academic Standing who have paid their Student Activity Fee and who possess excellent character shall be eligible for membership in the Epsilon Iota Chapter. (See National Constitution Article IV, Membership; Section 2).
Section 2: Membership in the Epsilon Iota Chapter will be open to undergraduate students of Ohio University who have completed a minimum of one semester of college work at Ohio University and have achieved at least a 3.00 cumulative grade point average (on a 4.00 scale, where A = 4.00) with at least three semesters remaining at Ohio University after the semester of induction. All new Active Members of the Epsilon Iota Chapter must meet the initiation requirements of the Epsilon Iota Chapter.
Section 3: Students who transfer to Ohio University with a 3.00 cumulative grade point average (on a 4.00 scale, where A = 4.00) may be accepted for membership at the Epsilon Iota Chapter’s discretion.
Section 4: Membership into Phi Sigma Pi through the Epsilon Iota Chapter is open to the qualified University community. The Epsilon Iota Chapter shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, political affiliation, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, veteran or disabled status in admission to, access to, treatment of, or employment in its programs and activities.
Section 5: To remain an Active Member in good standing, the member shall:
Pay national dues and fees and chapter dues. Failure to pay dues and fees by the end of the semester will result in automatic resignation from the chapter.
Attend all regularly scheduled chapter meetings per semester. Three (3) excused absences are permitted; however, notification for excused absences must be given to the recording secretary, in writing, within six (6) hours of the missed meeting. Valid excuses include: work, class conflicts, illness, wedding, funeral, a prior engagement that cannot be rescheduled such as an induction ceremony for another student organization or an emergency. Failure to adhere to proper excuses will result in probationary action.
Serve on at least one (1) permanent committee per semester and attend regularly scheduled committee meetings per semester. Three (3) excused absences are permitted; however, notification for excused absences must be given to the chairperson, in writing, within six (6) hours of the missed meeting.
Attend at least one (1) chapter scholarship event, one (1) chapter leadership event, one (1) chapter fellowship event, and two (2) additional events of the Brother’s choosing during each semester. In addition to the five (5) events previously mentioned, an active brother who's part of a committee must, at the position holder’s discretion, participate on the committee to the full extent.
Fundraise thirty-five dollars ($35) per semester through various fundraising events, external fundraisers, and/or sponsorship from a business or pay the full amount/remainder through the buyout option, which will serve to fulfill an active member’s fundraising attendance requirement. Buyouts must be paid through cash or a check - no online payments are allowed (i.e., no payments through Venmo). Seniors are exempt from meeting this requirement during their last semester.
Attend one (1) info session, two (2) rush events plus the rush week interviews. Attend the Pinning Ceremony, and the Ritual Ceremony during each semester. Attend Fall Retreat each year IF they have completed all event requirements from the previous semester. Attending all formal events may be counted as an extra event requirement. Attending a homecoming event may be counted as an extra event. Attending any initiate event may count for credit for that specific leg of the tripod; however, this will only apply once per semester. Any additional initiate event after the first may be counted as an extra event.
Adhere to the rules and regulations outlined in the Epsilon Iota Risk Management Policy and Phi Sigma Pi’s National Event Risk Management Policy.
Commit to events he/she signs up for, assuming that the committee chair has confirmed that it is a commitment-requiring event. Failure to contact the committee chair about not attending an event that the brother has signed up for within 24 hours will result in probationary action if it occurs on two occasions.
If a member fails to meet any of the requirements outlined in Section 5, the member will be placed on probation, and be required to pay a ten dollar ($10) fine plus five dollars ($5) per offense. (See National Constitution Article XI, Disciplinary Actions of the Chapter; Section 2).
All Active Members have the opportunity to become a Big to an initiate. All designated Bigs must attend the first initiate meeting, one (1) initiate event with their Little, and one (1) weekly interaction with their Little, as well as proof of the weekly interaction to the Prospective Brother Committee. Any Big unable to fulfill all of these requirements will be prevented from becoming a Big to future initiates.
All active and partially-inactive members have the opportunity to become a Step-Big to an initiate. All designated Step-Bigs must attend one (1) initiate meeting, plan and attend at least one (1) cross-family gathering, and one (1) bi-weekly interaction with their Step-Little, as well as proof of the bi-weekly interaction to the Prospective Brother Committee. Any Step-Big unable to fulfill all of these requirements will be prevented from becoming a Step-Big to future initiates.
Section 6: All Active Members must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least a 3.00. Failure to do so for two consecutive semesters is grounds for expulsion by a formal vote of the Active Members of the chapter. Grade reports will be collected by no later than week 6 of fall and spring semester. Failure to send in grade reports by the time they're requested will result in Academic Probation. (See National Constitution Article XI, Disciplinary Actions of the Chapter; Section 2).
Section 7: A member may request local inactivity for the semester. The member must enter the request in writing by the third regularly scheduled chapter meeting for such reasons including, but not limited to: excessive academic schedule, collegiate sports, family emergency or employment. The granting of local inactivity by the majority vote of the executive board shall waive the member’s requirements as outlined in Article IV, Section 5. (The member still must pay national dues). If locally inactive, the member also relinquishes the right to vote on all chapter issues. Two (2) consecutive semesters of local inactivity may be grounds for expulsion by a formal vote of the Active Members of the chapter.
Section 8: A member may request national inactivity for the semester. The member must enter the request in writing by the third regularly scheduled chapter meeting for such reasons including, but not limited to: an accredited or academically recognized co-op, internship, or study abroad program. The granting of national inactivity by the majority vote of the executive board shall waive the member’s requirements as outlined in Article IV, Section 5. The member is not obligated to pay local and national dues). If nationally inactive, the member also relinquishes the right to vote on all chapter issues. Two (2) consecutive semesters of national inactivity may be grounds for expulsion by a formal vote of the Active Members of the chapter.
Section 9: A member may request emergency inactivity for the semester. The member must enter the request in writing as soon as any unforeseen situations that necessitate the member’s absence arise. Emergency inactivity can be requested for such reasons including, but not limited to: personal illness, family emergency, or unexpected academic or family obligations. The granting of emergency inactivity by the majority vote of the executive board shall waive the member’s attendance requirements as outlined in Article IV, Section 5. (The member is obligated to pay local and national dues). If granted emergency inactive, the member also relinquishes the right to vote on all chapter issues. Two (2) consecutive semesters of emergency inactivity may be grounds for expulsion by a formal vote of the Active Members of the chapter.
Section 10: A member may request partial inactivity for the semester. Partial inactivity shall be a “last resort” for members of Phi Sigma Pi Epsilon Iota. It is a way to ensure that members who cannot be a fully active member are still active in the fraternity. Partial inactivity entails:​
Full dues.
Full fundraising requirements.
Attending one (1) leadership, fellowship, and scholarship event. Attending seven (7) of the fifteen (15) regularly scheduled chapters, including the chapter where potential new members are voted into initiates.
Attending one (1) day of rush.
Attending either first or second interviews for the new members of Phi Sigma Pi Epsilon Iota.
Attending either pinning ceremony or ritual ceremony.
Attending one-half (1/2) of all committee meetings.
Attending either executive board or executive council elections.
Partial inactivity will need verification of “busy schedules” (determined at the discretion of executive board), notes from club presidents, notes from work, or any other entity keeping brothers from fulfilling their full duties. Family excuses will not need verification. Partial inactivity can be revoked if abuse in the system is found. If partial inactivity is revoked, the brother in question will be notified via email, and will immediately be expected to be a fully participating brother. Partial inactivity requests are due the third chapter of the semester. Members of executive board and executive council are not able to become partially inactive. Members who utilize partial inactivity cannot utilize it in consecutive session with local or national inactivity. Partially inactive brothers are not eligible to become Bigs for the new initiate class. The partially inactive brother will discuss on a weekly basis with the Recording Secretary the fulfillment of duties.
Section 11: All active senior members in their last semester may request Senior Status for the semester. The member must enter the request in writing by the third regularly scheduled executive board meeting. In order to obtain Senior Status, the member must have completed all of their event requirements from the previous semester. The granting of Senior Status by majority vote of the executive board shall waive the following requirements:
One (1) 4th event credit.
One (1) 5th event credit.
One (1) philanthropy credit.
One (1) night of recruitment.
Full fundraising dues.
Failure to complete any events not waived under Section 11 will result in the member forfeiting their Senior Send-off meal.
Section 12: A member in good standing has the option of early alumni status. Once a brother is alumni, they are no longer eligible to be an active brother as an undergraduate. Reasons to be granted early alumni status include but are not limited to, a plan to be nationally inactive the final semester, a life event and/or plans to graduate after the summer semester. To be eligible for early alumni, brothers must meet four (4) requirements:
The brother should have at least three (3) semesters of being an active brother with no more than one (1) semester of inactivity.
The brother must not have taken a little in the previous semester. If the brother has taken a little, they must wait until the little has completed their first semester as an active brother.
The brother must be in good standing. If a brother has probation, they must pay probationary dues before requesting early alumni status.
The brother must attend the brother to alumni ceremony.
A brother requesting early alumni status may not have more than two (2) semesters remaining on campus. To request early alumni status, the brother requesting early alumni must attend E-board by the 4th week or notify a member of E-board before the 4th week. Two-thirds (2/3) of a vote from E-board is required to bring the topic to chapter. A simple majority vote from chapter is needed to be granted early alumni status. Although the chapter may, E-board may not vote by consent.
Emergency Clause: In the case of an emergency, the brother requesting early alumni must notify a member of E-board. The bother must explain why they need early alumni rather than emergency inactivity. Under special circumstances, the brother may elect to only be granted two-thirds (2/3) vote from Executive Board to be granted selective early alumni status.