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ARTICLE V: Chapter Advisers 


Section 1: The chapter faculty adviser(s) of the Epsilon Iota Chapter shall be elected by a majority vote of the members of the Epsilon Iota Chapter following a nomination by a chapter member. To advise and counsel the chapter and the members, the faculty adviser must be an administrator, faculty or staff member of Ohio University. The chapter faculty adviser(s) shall serve the best interests of Phi Sigma Pi, the Epsilon Iota Chapter, and its members and reasonably attempt to ensure that all business conducted by the Epsilon Iota Chapter meets Ohio University policies.  


Section 2: The chapter alumni adviser(s) of the Epsilon Iota Chapter shall be elected by a majority vote of the members of the Epsilon Iota Chapter following a nomination by a chapter member. To advise and counsel the chapter and the members, the alumni adviser(s) must be alumni in good standing of Phi Sigma Pi.  The alumni adviser shall have no vote at chapter meetings and shall serve in the best interests of Phi Sigma Pi, the Epsilon Iota Chapter, and its members. Verbal participation of the alumni adviser during chapter meetings is left to the discretion of the chapter.   

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